🤓 My current "stack":

2020 Macbook Air - good, but even though I maxed it out on RAM it sometimes struggles with the Photos app and a couple of others. Makes me wish I’d held out for the 2020 Macbook Pro…

Evernote is my digital filing cabinet. Everything from docs to the kids’ schoolwork is snapped and stored in there.

Roam Research is what I’m using as my knowledge base. Notes on any personal stuff I’m working on. It’s great for cross referencing ideas and works much more like natural thought than other notetaking apps.

ReMarkable tablet - for drafts of whatever I’m writing if I’m working outside, so only for Spring or Summertime. It’s e-ink so there’s no glare. Converts my writing to digital format, then I email it to myself for refining on the computer.

Sublime text - great text editor. Used for any website projects.

Scrivener is what I use to write anything substantial. I like the way it lets you lay out the whole thing, reorder and compile a manuscript.

Miro is a whiteboarding tool I use a lot professionally. Essential in remote working environments.